Important Information
THERMOSENSING LIMITED is a Private Limited Company company has an dissolved status with companies house. The company was incorporated on 1 February 1968 and is registered at 2/3 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton, , BN1 1EE. Based on the last confirmation statement filed on 1 January 1970 the company has 0 director(s) and the activities related to the SIC code Manufacture of electronic industrial process control equipment - 26512.
Name Change
Confirmation File Now
Last submitted on N/A
Next confirmation dated N/A
Due by N/A
Previous Names
No change of names as yet.
Company No.
00926685Private Limited Company
1 February 1968Incorporated 56 year(s) and 9 month(s) ago
Classification Change
Manufacture of electronic industrial process control equipment - 26512
Accounts File Now
Last accounts submitted for period 31 March 2022
Accounts type was total-exemption-full
Next accounts dated 31 March 2022
Due by N/A
Last Active Officers
David Frederick Heaver
Appointed on: 29 August 1997 - Secretary
- Engineer British
David Frederick Heaver
Appointed on: 1 January 1970 - Director
- Engineer British
Hilary Heaver
Appointed on: 17 September 1999 - Director
- Home Economist British
Need help with Filing for THERMOSENSING LIMITED?
Our team offers a range of accounting services to assist you. Please note that some of these services require an authentication code from Companies House. If you do not have this code, we can apply for it on your behalf, and it will be sent to your company's registered office address.
HMRC Registration Services
CRUSE BURKE is a firm of Chartered Accountants in Croydon, catering to numerous clients across the country. Should you be in search of a Chartered Accountant in Brighton - BN1 1EE or a qualified Bookkeeper in Brighton - BN1 1EE. Our team of Qualified Chartered Accountants & Tax advisors in Brighton - BN1 1EE can assist you with all your accounting andtax-related requirements. Our proactive & experienced team has helped several companies like THERMOSENSING LIMITED, and serve many clients in the same sector. If you are looking for an chartered accountant for Manufacture of electronic industrial process control equipment - 26512 , Get in touch with us.