Welcome to Accountants for Airbnb

The Airbnb business is a neat source of income for someone who wants to earn extra cash. Rent out a spare room in your house and earn money out of it. It’s easy and laymen earn money out of it. Taxes and bookkeeping get on your nerves at times. We’ve got accountants for Airbnb to help you with tax-related issues.

Enjoy your extra cash while we guide you about the deductions you can claim. Claim expenses for renting out property through Airbnb especially if you worked on an investment property. They include property insurance, cleaning, and maintenance costs, and council rates.

Get your questions answered!

It’s easy to start an Airbnb business. Some people still hesitate it, even though they’ve got all the necessary resources. All thanks to the unanswered queries you’ve got in your mind. Our accountants for Airbnb work on your queries so you earn money on the go. What’s the first question that pops up in your mind when you think of starting off an Airbnb business? For us, ‘Do I need to disclose my rental income in a tax return?’ Lease a property or even a room in a property for an equivalent to more investment properties. The rental payments should be unveiled in your annual tax return form. The exception to this standard is to place the property offered at a rate underneath market esteem. Have more questions like this? Get our accountants in Croydon for Airbnb businesses on board!

Who we help?

Self Employed

Self Employed/Sole trader Accounting and Taxation Services

Company Setup

Company setup, Registered office, PAYE & VAT registration services.


Accounting & Taxation Services for Startups & Small Businesses


Contractor’s Accounting & Taxation Services operating via LTD


Accounting & taxation Services for UK residents Landlord’s

Non-Resident Landlords

Personal Tax Return Services for Non – Resident landlords.


Accounting & taxation for those owning properties under SPV's

HNW Individuals

Personal Tax Return services for High Networth Individuals.

How to Join/Switch?

Switching to Cruse + Burke is as easy as ABC...


Get in touch

Get in touch, explain your requirements, or sign up online.

Letter of Engagement

You will then sign an agreement, either Online on our website or by email.

Previous Accountants

We get in touch with your previous accountant to obtain information

We Do the Rest

Simply focus on your business and we will do the rest.

Why Cruse + Bruke

The originals of the firm go back to before World War II. There were a number of partnerships over this time, including King & Cruse in the 1970s, part of which became Cruse + Burke in 1992

Technology Driven

We use Xero, Quickbooks, Sage & many other online software.

Dedicated Accountant

Meet, Call, E-mail or Skype to your dedicated accounts manager.

Unlimited Support

Free telephone & email support throughout the year.

Experienced Team

Our team have over 100 years of combined experienced.

Free - Email Reminders

Never Miss any deadline with our automated email reminders.

Yes, We Are Chartered!

We’re an ICAEW, ACCA & AAT accredited Firm.

Ways to get in touch with us

Need Help with Accounting? We’ve Got You Covered!

Running a business is hard. Let us take care of your accounting so you can focus on what matters most. Our services include: