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A lot of confusion prevails in the matter of teacher tax deductions. Even then it is worth spending your energy on whether you should be investing time in applying for tax deductions or not. If the procedure goes smoothly you will possibly get a refund from the government for the money you have spent on buying the teaching equipment and the professional fees as well. However, the case of claiming for tax cases will vary from one case to another.
It has been observed that normally people are not even aware of what is exactly teachers’ tax deductions in the UK. In several cases, the teachers whether they belong to early years, primary grades, or the high school sector are of the view that they spend a good part of their income buying the tools and stuff they will have to use for their teaching in the class. However, it is imperative to be aware that if a teacher is paying taxes in the UK, these teaching expenses can be claimed and the benefit of tax deductions will come. This comprehensive guide will help you to learn more about what is considered a teaching expense to make a claim for a tax refund. Let us get into the discussion for further details.
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What are Teacher Tax Rebates and How Does It Work in the UK?
There is a certain criterion that you will have to meet as a teacher to make a successful claim. This involves conditions like being a taxpayer in the UK, your earning is not more than the personal allowance, claim within the duration of four years related to the tax year in which you invested money, and the number of expenses must be less than the figure £2,500. If it is more than the figure, this will be done through the self-assessment tax returns.
If you are associated with an institute as an employed teacher, it will be possible for you to claim the tax deductions normally. Especially when you are in a position where you have to pay from your own income to buy the teaching equipment to do your job well in the class. If you are also the one who is investing from your own income to buy the teaching equipment, this amount of money is not getting reimbursed from your organisation, you are in a good position to claim tax relief and get the money from HMRC. In case of getting a successful claim, you will observe an adjustment made in your tax code from HMRC. You will end up paying less amount in form of tax as well.
How Do I Apply If I am Eligible as a Teacher?
Once you are confirmed that the amount of money you have spent on certain expenses is allowed to make a claim for and get the benefits of tax relief, you will have to grab the P87 and do the filling requirements online to complete the tax relief require.
Teacher Tax Deductions – What Exactly Can I Claim?
The matter of employment expenses is usually dealt with quite strictly by HMRC and the margin is also very slim in this regard. The argument in the matter normally focuses on the expenses that must be ‘wholly, exclusively and necessarily’ related to the job purpose. However, there are certain things that are normally accepted and the claim goes successful because of the potential factor involved for the tax deductions in this regard. The travelling expenses, professional fees, expenses related to clothing, and equipment expenses are some common examples that are explained in the following for further details.
1- Professional Fees
Since teachers are normally required to pay the professional fee to certain union bodies and relevant institutes in the UK, it is allowable to claim tax relief over the money that is accepted in this manner. However, you will have to consider that only a few organisations are accepted according to HMRC and the list is also shared on the main page of the website. The agreement that you have made with that organisation will help you to decide what is the exact amount of tax relief that you can easily claim. Moreover, the cost involved in the payment of the expenses to the magazine, council, and general teaching will also be accepted for tax relief.
2- The Expenses of Books and Journals
The amount of money that teachers spend on buying stuff like journals, books and specialist clothing to be prepared for lesson delivery in the class will also be considered for the tax relief. Moreover, if you try to claim any expense that involves stuff related to your own professional development, this will not be considered by HMRC.
3- Equipment Expenses
The list of teaching equipment is also seen with a very strict rule when it comes to getting tax relief on the amount spent on educational equipment. Lab coats and computers are a few such examples. This is because of the fact that the organisation you are working for or the employer tend to reimburse the amount spent on such educational expenses.
4- Travelling Expenses
There are only certain cases that will allow you to claim expenses on the amount of money you spent on travel expenses. If the journey purely belongs to your job duties and the location you are travelling for is not happen to be the permanent place for you to live.
The Bottom Line
Now that you have gathered a fair amount of information about what are some teacher tax deductions in the UK, we can bring the discussion towards wrapping up. The benefits of the tax relief can not be denied in the case of being an employed teacher or a self-employed teacher. However, you will have to consider the requirement and claim for the expenses that are actually considered to be the job duties according to HMRC. We hope these few minutes of reading will help you to develop a better understanding of the teacher’s tax deduction and how it might affect you in the UK.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is about the company car tax in the UK, including the text and graphics, in general. It does not intend to disregard any of the professional advice.