News,May 2018

what is pro rata

What is Pro Rata and How Does it Work?


What is pro rata? Pro rata, a Latin phrase meaning “in proportion” is a mathematical formula used to calculate proportions or fractions of a whole, enabling fair and accurate distributions. In the context of employment, pro-rata calculations determine salary, holiday entitlement, and benefits for employees. These are working variable hours or joining/leaving mid-year. In insurance, …

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stamp duty on second home

How Much is Stamp Duty on Second Home in the UK?


In this discussion, we’ll delve into the world of stamp duty on second homes. Exploring what constitutes a second home, how much stamp duty you’ll need to pay, and the exemptions that can help reduce or eliminate this expense. We’ll also examine the various scenarios in which stamp duty applies, from replacing your main residence …

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why estate agents need accountants

Why Estate Agents Need Accountants?

26/04/2024Accountants , Accounting , Accounting Issues

why do estate agents need accountants? In the ever-changing regulations, rising costs, and growing client expectations, estate agents must navigate a challenging environment to remain competitive and profitable. Amidst this complexity, accountants emerge as trusted partners. Providing expert guidance and support to help estate agents achieve their goals. From preparing financial statements to ensuring tax …

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why do cleaning businesses need accountants

Why Cleaning Business Need Accountants?

15/04/2024Accountants , Accounting , Accounting Issues , accounting software

Why do cleaning businesses need accountants? As the cleaning industry in the UK continues to grow and evolve, it’s becoming increasingly clear that cleaning business owners need more than just a mop and bucket. In today’s complex and competitive market, cleaning businesses must navigate a web of financial regulations, tax laws, and business strategies to …

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why SAAS business need accountants

Why SAAS Need Accountants?

06/03/2024Accountants , Accounting

Why SAAS business need accountants? The United Kingdom is a hub of SaaS (Software as a Service) activity, with hundreds of successful startups and established businesses in the space. As these companies grow and expand, they face a range of financial and accounting requirements. Making the need for specialised support and guidance all the more …

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why marketplaces need accountants

Why MarketPlaces Need Accountants?

22/02/2024Accountants , Accounting

Why marketplaces need accountants? The rise of online marketplaces has led to a significant shift in how businesses and consumers interact. It creates new growth opportunities for marketplace companies in the UK. Marketplace companies have emerged as one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. However, the success of marketplace companies hinges on their ability …

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