News,May 2018

legal obligations of a sole trader

Legal Obligations of a Sole Trader

19/07/2021Sole Trader , VAT

Want to start your own business? Whether you want to be your own boss, pursue your dream job or want to work with the people you like, there’s no other option than to be a sole trader. With a lot of benefits, there are some legal obligations of a sole trader that you must keep on top of when you start your journey as a sole trader. Let’s start! Find out our tailored accounting and taxation services for sole traders at an affordable rate! Get in touch today!   Legal Obligations of a Sole Trader If you want to start a business of your own, you need to know the following legal obligations of a sole trader. You are legally required to do the following things:   1) Self Assessment As a sole trader, you’re not fully exempted from tax. The first thing before starting your business as a sole trader is to register for Self-Assessment. You can easily register as a self-employed with HMRC here, you need to file tax returns every year with HMRC. On the earnings you made as a sole trader, you need to pay tax. Remember that if you are working part-time as a sole trader, you still need to register. 2) Choose a Name You need to have a unique name for your business. When choosing, make sure it is easy for people to spell – especially if you want a name for your website. Don’t choose a name that’s too long or difficult to spell, as it is difficult to be recognised by the people. 3) Bookkeeping Legally, you need to keep a record of all your business income and expenses. Keeping records for a sole trader is generally easy and straightforward. But investing in a professional bookkeeper or accountant is worth your time and money. 4) Tax Return By midnight on 31st January, you need to report all your expenses and income to HMRC every year. CruseBuke has a team of accountants to save your time from the hassle by working out your self-assessment tax bill from the records you keep throughout the year. Looking for a qualified accountant, bookkeeper, or tax expert at a reasonable price? Get in touch with us right now! 5) Taxes You also need to pay your self-assessment tax bill. It is a good idea to file your tax return before the deadline to avoid a £100 fine. In addition, you also need to know that on 31st January you need to make payment on account towards the next year’s tax bills, which takes account of the previous year’s tax bill. 6) VAT Though registering for VAT as a sole trader is not compulsory. But if you cross the turnover limit of £85,000, it is compulsory for you to register for VAT. If you do, you need to fill the VAT return forms and update your records as well. You can register for VAT online. Once you registered you need to charge VAT from your customers and pay VAT return to HMRC. VAT can be complicated! So, it is better to take the help of a VAT accountant to keep your business on track and submit your VAT returns to HMRC on your behalf. 7) Licences Most professional doesn’t need to be licensed. However, some businesses like a business that deals with selling alcohol need to have a license. Other professions like doctors, accountants, lawyers etc also need to have a license.   Quick Sum Up In addition, if you employ people in your sole trading business, you need to legally register for PAYE ( Pay As You Earn). Also, you can get insured to save yourself from a disaster or damage. If you have built your own business from scratch, you need to follow these legal obligations of a sole trader to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for an accountant or bookkeeper to record, manage and monitor the financial affairs of your own business, look no further other than CruseBurke. We have a team of expert bookkeepers and accountants for sole traders for your assistance. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Get an instant quote today!   Disclaimer: This blog is intended just for general information on the above topic.

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changing from a limited company to a sole trader

Changing from Limited Company to Sole Trader : A Simple Guide

16/07/2021Limited Company , Sole Trader

There are many reasons for changing from a limited company to a sole trader. The most common reason – we have seen these days – is the dropping turnover of limited companies due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Company owners believe that sole proprietorship is a simple and convenient option to go for. No doubt it is. In this way, they’d save a considerable amount of money – which they are losing as a limited company owner – by becoming a sole trader. There are many other businesses that are going after this option. But there are a few crucial points that you need to consider if you are changing from a limited company to a sole trader.   Few Important Points to Consider Here are a few important points that you to consider before changing your business structure. Firstly, you need to know that sole tradership doesn’t require any registration. You can start your business right away, just by informing HMRC.   Secondly, note that sole traders do not have limited liability which means you’re not protected in case of loss or insolvency. It depends on your business type and how much you’re at risk of potential liabilities and insolvency.   Thirdly, winding up a limited company needs a proper legal procedure to follow. You need to submit final accounts to HMRC along with taxes. In addition, this process requires more paperwork like you need the file for capital distribution and so on. After getting through this complex and time-taking process, your company can be struck off from the register.   Fourthly, if a limited company has suffered a loss previously, it needs accounting. So, you need to consult this matter with an accountant as after its cessation the records of corporation tax losses will be lost. The accountant will bring them forward to offset against a future profit of a company. Remember, you’d lost the opportunity to offset the losses when your company is closed. Obviously, it is not possible to use the company’s losses against the profit made from the sole trading activity.   Finally, after changing from a limited company to a sole trader, you need to inform your customers and suppliers about becoming a sole trader. So that you may sign new contracts with the new people. Moreover, you will also change your company account to a business account.   What Made you Became a Limited Company? After considering the above points, you need to ask this yourself before making the final decision. You opted for a limited company to get liability protection, credibility, save tax and so on. Though the situation has been better after the vaccination of more than 52% of the UK’s population. This doesn’t mean that everything will revert instantly as it was before the arrival of the pandemic. According to the government scientists of the UK, the third wave is going to arrive that would leave the same impact as the previous ones. So, the complete revert will take time, so changing your business structure might be a good option if you can’t wait for an unexpected time. However, if you think that your business is going well and will be in the future, you should not go for this option.   Looking for a qualified accountant, bookkeeper or tax expert at a reasonable price? Get in touch with us right now!   Our Advice We recommend clients to wait for 6 months before changing their business status. As within the six months, the situation would be expectedly better due to the continuous vaccination. So waiting for this time wouldn’t hurt your business a lot. Still, if your business is constantly declining, then turning to a sole proprietorship is worth considering.   Final Thoughts Finally, if you are changing from a limited company to a sole trader. You need to consider these points: Talk to our limited company accountant to review your accounts to utilise the losses before becoming a sole trader Extract all your money from the limited company by seeking advice from our accountants Pay the due taxes and outstanding bills to HMRC before closing your bank account Get advice to know the impact of financial support by the government during the current pandemic To sum up, you need to get advice from an accountant to make the final decision.   If you are looking for an accountant to review the financial affairs of a business, look no further other than CruseBurke. We have a team of expert accountants for your assistance. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.   Get an instant quote right away!   Disclaimer: This blog provides general information on the above topic.

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