company limited by guarantee

What is a Company Limited by Guarantee?

26/12/2022Business , Limited Company

Are you wondering about a company limited by guarantee and who takes the charge of actually forming them in the UK? Well, most commonly such companies are formed by membership organisations, workers’ cooperatives, sports clubs, and other non-profit organisations. The purpose of non-profit organisations’ owners is to get the benefit from guiding the limited financial liability. Such companies do not tend to have shareholders or any shares to give in normal practice. This is what makes such companies different from other companies that have shares. However, the company is associated with a few guarantors who are interested in giving a set amount of money for the sake of company debts.

Furthermore, we can say that there are no prominent profits generated by this activity for the guarantors. This is due to the fact these guarantors invest in the company to promote the non-profit organisation. And the set of money is considered reinvesting in the company. In some cases where the profits are shared among the distributors, the company will have to go for charitable status by applying a forfeit. Focusing on the basics for a better understanding, this guide has covered what is a limited by guarantee company, how to form a limited by guarantee company, what are the benefits to form one, and how is it different from other companies.


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What is a Company Limited by Guarantee in the UK?

The use of a company limited by guarantee is normally for the wide use of charities, societies, clubs, community projects, and other examples of similar bodies. There are several limited companies by guarantee that are not known for being non-profit organisations or associated with them. This is due to the factor that these companies do not have a tendency to share the profits among the distributors. They rather keep the profits within the company to use for a better purpose. Many such companies will be in need of drafting their articles as well. This is for the purpose of specialised work to be undertaken.


What are the Benefits of a Company Limited by Guarantee?

The prominent and major reason to form a limited-by-guarantee company is to benefit the charity. Also, the owners or the distributors are to be protected from any kind of personal liability if there is a case of company debts. This can further help to promote the non-profit organisation. There are several examples where organisations are also registered as companies limited by guarantee just like local authorities and funding bodies. Moreover, there are certain benefits to forming a company limited by a guarantee that is outlined in the following for you:

  • Such a company is known to be a distinct legal entity from the owners.
  • This makes it independent and responsible for any kind of company debts.
  • The directors of the company are protected from any liabilities of company debts.
  • The personal finances of the directors are kept away from the company’s financial matters.
  • A limit to the guarantees is only considered to pay the debts of the company by the directors.


How to Form a Company Limited by Guarantee in the UK?

If you aim to form a company limited by guarantee, the process of forming is usually easy. There are several customised special guarantee packages offered by professionals for this purpose as well. However, once you make up your mind about forming a limited company by guarantee, you will have to have awareness of a few things. Moreover, ensure to keep certain requirements with you before you aim to apply for it. These details are outlined  below:

  • A memorandum of association and articles of association are required to get a company registered. This document has the basic information of the owner or guarantor.
  • There is either one person who has taken the position of owner and guarantor or there can be multiple people holding these positions.
  • Articles explain the set of rules.
  • For a first-time formation, companies house will give you the memorandum and articles.
  • Information on People with Significant Control will be given.
  • The guarantors or the directors are normally the People with Significant Control.
  • There is a requirement for Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). The code that comes with it will explain what kind of trading activities will be carried out for your business and what is the nature of your company.
  • A company is allowed to have four SIC maximum.
  • The company will also be asked to provide the physical address that can be used for the registered office address. The address should be UK based.
  • The number of guarantors and directors is allowed to be one at least for the limited company by guarantee.
  • The company limited by guarantee must be registered also with companies house. Companies House is known to be the company registrar in the UK.


The Bottom Line

Now that you have gathered a fair amount of information about a company limited by guarantee, we can bring the discussion towards wrapping up. A company limited by guarantee to promote non-profit organisations is beneficial in several ways as well. Due to the fact of being a distinct entity, the involvement of directors and guarantors in dealing with the company’s debts is little. This makes their personal assets protected from any kind of debt compensation or penalties. If you aim to form a limited company by guarantee, the simple requirements are to be aware of in the first place. We hope these few minutes of reading have helped to develop a better understanding of what is a company limited by guarantee and how it works.


Get in touch with our young, clever and tech-driven professionals if you want to choose the best guide for a company limited by guarantee in the UK  for your income. 


Disclaimer: The information about the company limited by the guarantee provided in this blog includes text and graphics of general nature. It does not intend to disregard any of the professional advice.

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Self Employed or Limited Company: What’s the Difference?

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While setting up your business, one of the most crucial decisions to make is to choose a business structure. There are a lot of business structures to choose from. Limited liability partnership is the less popular business structure used by professionals. The majority of the business structures in the UK are either self employed or limited company. According to the latest reports of Statista, there are around 4.3 million self-employed workers in the UK. On the other hand, there are over 4 million limited companies registered in the UK. Let’s dig deep into both to know what are they, are taxed the same, and what cost and administration is involved. Let’s kick off with what is self-employed and what is a limited company?   We save your time, money, and stress by handling all your finances and business problems in no time! Call us on 020 8686 8876 or email us today.   Self Employed or Limited Company: Differences Let’s have a quick glimpse at self-employed and limited companies.   What is a Self Employment? Self-employed persons work for themselves as sole traders. There are no shareholders or officers and the self-employed person has total control over his business and is liable for all the profits and losses personally. The losses made by a sole trader directly impact the personal finances of a sole trader. Income tax is payable on the profit earned and needs to pay Class 2 and 4 National Insurance as a self-employed individual.   What is a Limited Company? A limited company is a separate entity with its own identity and it is separate from shareholders and directors. The personal finances of directors of the limited company are kept separate from the company until there’s fraudulence or any breach. A limited company has to pay corporation tax on the taxable profit and they need to deduct income tax and NI from the employees’ salary through PAYE.   Tax Implications Let’s see how self-employed persons and limited companies are taxed.   Self Employed Tax Self-employed persons need to pay income tax through Self-Assessment.  They need to register for VAT if reached the threshold of £85,000 (2021/22). Here are the tax rates and threshold that a self-employed person should know: Band Taxable income Tax rate Personal Allowance Up to £12,570 0% Basic rate £12,571 to £50,270 20% Higher rate £50,271 to £150,000 40% Additional rate over £150,000 45% The deadline for online tax return is Midnight 31 January 2022. Moreover, self-employed persons need to pay Class 2  National insurance if the profits are £6,515 or more a year and Class 4 NI on profits over £9,569. Here is the rate of NI rate you need to remember: Class Rate for tax year 2021 to 2022  Class 2  £3.05 a week  Class 4 9% on profits between £9,569 and £50,270 2% on profits over £50,270 We can register you as self-employed to HMRC on your behalf!  Fill out this form and let us handle everything!    Limited Company Tax Instead of income tax, limited companies need to pay 19% Corporation tax on the annual profits. Company directors are levied tax based on the salary they earn from a limited company. Dividend tax is paid on dividends received from a company. In addition, income tax and Class 1 NI is payable on any salaries paid by the company. And companies need to pay Class 1 Employers’ NICs on salaries paid to employees.   Want to incorporate a company? Get in touch with one of our professionals. Check out our company formation package!   Administration and Costs A limited company needs more administration and management tasks compared to self-employed.   Limited Company Administration All the limited companies of the UK need to register with Companies House. It must make sure to inform the registrar of companies informed of any changes made, need to file confirmation statement and PSC each year along with the company accounts. The cost of forming a limited company is affordable and the accountants are responsible to manage the accounting tasks along with dealing with HMRC and Companies House.   Self Employed Requirements There are fewer legal responsibilities and administrative tasks in forming a limited company. You just need to register for self-assessment and pay the due tax and NI on time.   Quick Sum Up So after giving this blog a read, you have now understood which business structure to choose: self employed or limited company. As a self-employed, you are your own boss and liable to pay tax and NI 2 & 4 on your earnings. Whereas, limited companies need to pay corporation tax and Class 1 NI on salaries paid to employees. Bear in mind that there is less hassle to work as a self-employed, but with limited companies, you have to meet administrative and legal responsibilities.   Turn to us if you need any help with accounting, tax payroll, and other finance-related problems. We will solve your tax issues in no time and at an affordable price! So, contact us now!   Disclaimer: This blog contains general information about the topic.

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